
Be more effective
and less busy

Aerotime helps you work in flow state by streamlining your meetings and making it easier to prioritize tasks.

Trusted by dynamic companies

Also backed by

Keep your calendar decluttered

Minimize scattered meetings

Aerotime can move meetings on your behalf and stack them to each other, removing calendar fragmentation.

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Create healthy new meetings

Timeslot recommendations to keep you and your team in the flow.

Agenda recommendations to keep your meetings productive.

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Handle incoming meetings better

Propose better timeslots for meetings that make all attendees more productive.

Send quick replies that help in declining meetings with ease.

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Extra time generated within your working hours.


More work done per week due to better prioritization

Centralize and prioritize
tasks with ease

Instant task capture

Global shortcuts to capture tasks anywhere and integrations with your favourite apps (like Slack) to bring tasks in one place.

Plan and schedule tasks in one drag

Prioritize and commit to your important tasks by scheduling them on your calendar.

Simplify balance of collaboration and deep work

Aerotime keeps your calendar available for meetings even when tasks are there, but when you hit a busy threshold it shields your time.

Manage your time effectively, easily.

Declutter, prioritize, zone-in. Repeat.

Get Started

Connect with your favorite tools

Status updates and task integrations with tools you love and use


Auto-snooze Slack and update status based on calendar. Create task right within Slack.


Convert issues into tasks in Aerotime. Schedule them with ease and keep team in alignment.


Coming Soon

Convert any email into a task and schedule to reply on time.


Coming Soon

Convert Asana tickets to Aerotime tasks. Schedule them with ease.

Declutter, prioritize, zone-in.


Get started with Aerotime